
As a registered childcare provider, we offer funded places at our nursery school. 

Government funded hours are provided term-time only (38 weeks per year). Our nursery is open for 51 weeks per year. Therefore, we stretch the funded hours to provide the following:  

15 hour offer = 11.17 funded hours per week
30 hour offer = 22.35 funded hours per week

To apply for the government funded hours, please visit to subscribe for updates.

If you are eligible, you will be sent an 11 digit code – please email this code to

We will also need your date of birth and your National Insurance number.

From September 2025, the funding offer is due to be expanded. Eligible working parents of children from 9 months to school age will be entitled to 30 hours of funded childcare a week.

For further local information, please visit Lancashire County Council.